10th Drive SE Water and Sewer
118 Pl SE to 131 St SE
Your gas service may have been interrupted during construction on 6/27/2024. If you are experiencing an outage or shut-off at the meter please see PSE shut-off information (https://www.pse.com/en/pages/gas-shut-off) and contact PSE at 1-888-225-5773 to have your service restarted.
Project Update: April 18, 2024

Project Update: April 2024

Project Update: March 2023
The Silver Lake Water and Sewer District (SLWSD) is preparing for the future installation of new sewer on 10th Dr SE between 118th Place SE and 126th Street SE and water main replacement on 10th Drive SE between 118th Place SE and 131st Street SE and on 130th Street SE from 10th Drive SE to 12th Drive SE.
As part of this project, properties on 10th Drive SE between 118th Pl SE and 126th St SE have the option to connect to the sewer when the project is complete. Please note, you will not be required to connect to sewer. Construction is planned for 2024.
We have been sharing preliminary cost estimations with property owners in the area. Right now, we are estimating about $80,000 in costs to connect to the sewer lateral at your property line. The estimate includes the following:
Costs paid directly to SLWSD:
$60,000 for cost of sewer main design and construction. This is a one-time cost for your property that represents the total cost of design and construction of the new sewer main divided between the 38 eligible properties receiving sewer laterals to their property line.
$9,500 Standard General Facility Charge. This is a one-time fee for your impact to the overall sewer system.
$71 monthly sewer charge.
Additional costs associated with connecting to the new sewer that will be the responsibility of the homeowner:
Costs to decommission septic tank.
Costs to connect plumbing from the sewer lateral at the property line to the house.
We would like to clarify the following items:
Homeowners are not required to connect to the sewer.
If the property is sold in its current condition, new owners will not be required to connect to the sewer.
If the property is redeveloped, the owner will be required to connect to sewer.
If you have questions about this requirement, contact Snohomish County.
Call: 425-388-3311
A “sewer lateral” or connection point will be installed from the sewer main to your property line, regardless of your decision to connect.
In addition to the sewer connection, SLWSD will be installing a new water main on 10th Drive SE between 118th Place SE and 131st Street SE and on 130th Street Street SE from 10th Drive SE to 12th Drive SE. The project will upgrade to a 12” pipe from the current 4” or 6”. This will improve the overall flow, reliability, and capacity in the system. There are no costs associated with this work, but you can expect a new generation cellular water meter to be installed near your current meter.
Construction: What to Expect
We expect construction to begin in 2024 and last about 9 months.
Crews will be digging trenches in sections to carry out the work
Please note that trenches will be filled at the end of each workday.
The entire roadway will be resurfaced at the end of the project.
Prior to constriction, we will host a “meet the contractor” community meeting. You will have the opportunity to meet the construction crew and learn more about what to expect.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to a project representative about this project, please contact the public involvement team:
Project Update: January 2023
The Silver Lake Water and Sewer District (SLWSD) is preparing for future installation of new sewer on 10th Drive SE between 118th Place SE and 126th Street SE, and water main replacement on 10th Drive SE between 118th Place SE and 131st Street SE and on 130th Street SE from 10th Drive SE to 12th Drive SE.
Over the next year, SLWSD will be coordinating closely with adjacent properties for these future upgrades. Our project team initially connected with you in September 2022. We now have some additional details about the project to share with you. We will be in the area between Thursday, January 19, 2023 - Saturday, January 21, 2023.
The public involvement team is requesting a meeting with you on one of these
days to review project details specific to your property. During our meeting, we will discuss the project overview, anticipated impacts near your property, information about connecting to the future sewer, and possible sewer stub locations.
Please contact us using the following information to set up an appointment:
Email: Info@10thDriveWaterandSewer.com
Phone: (425) 800-6866